Multiple NUnit tests from NAnt

Posted by Kirby Turner on May 18, 2004

I have been working today on stabilizing our build environment for a customer project. NAnt has been a great to so far for this. But today I wanted to start running NUnit tests of our assemblies from the NAnt script. I have tried a combination of Xml in attempts to get the NUnit task to work as expected. All assemblies except one have a configuration file so I must use the element. I have tried defining a single section with multiple elements, one for each assembly to test. And I have tried multiple sections within a single target, but the result is the same. Not all tests do not always run.

Say I have 4 test assemblies. 2 out of the 4 may load. The other two seem to be ignored. The section seems easiest enough, but I must be missing something. Shot me a reply if you have a suggestion. Thanks.

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