Random Thoughts #2

Posted by Kirby Turner on July 28, 2006

  • Need to test your application's compatibility with Vista? Here's a set of tools that will help.

  • SQLite is an awesome SQL database engine. And there is a Delphi favor of SQLite called DISQLite3. I recently used DISLite3 to help merge data from different files and I found it easy to use and very fast.

  • I did a little mountain biking in Salem Woods. I didn't have time to ride the whole loop but I did enjoy what little I did ride on. Tight single track and lots of rocks and roots.

  • My vacation officially starts when Melanie gets home from work. Unfortunately Boston is being hit hard with a summer time thunderstorm so her flight has been delayed. Still the start of vacation time is just hours away.

  • After working in Visual Studio 2003 for a few days this week, I had to switch back to Borland Developer Studio 2006. It has definitely become my favorite IDE even for C# projects. But what if I am working with a team? I wonder how confusing it might be if I continued using BDS while other teammates user Visual Studio. Guess I'll have to try it and see.

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